9 datasets found

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  • msp-data GNS - Reti a imbrocco - 2015

    Case Study North Adriatic (Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli V.G.) Set gillnets (GNS) "Reti a imbrocco" (operations) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data Seabirds

    Potential Seabirds sites grid in the Adriatic is a dataset developed by UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA (2010), which considers the “pelagic distribution of Mediterranean seabird of...
  • msp-data OTB - Strascico - 2015

    Case Study North Adriatic (Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli V.G.) Bottom otter trawl (OTB) "Strascico" (swept km) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data TBB - Rapidi - 2015

    Case Study North Adriatic (Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli V.G.) Beam trawl (TBB) "Rapidi" (swept km) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data PS - Circuizione - 2015

    Case Study North Adriatic (Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli V.G.) Purse seine (PS) "Circuizione" (operations) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data DRB - Draghe idrauliche - 2015

    Case Study North Adriatic (Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli V.G.) Boat dredge (DRB) "Draghe idrauliche" (swept km) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data Small scale fisheries - Northern Adriatic (IT)

    Small scale fisheries (interviews) total operations 2017. Includes "tremagli", "nasse" and "cestini per lumachine".
  • msp-data Adriatic traffic density July 2014 - June 2015

    Map of traffic density derived from AIS observations. The was created combining AIS monthly data from July 2014 to June 2015, provided by BALMAS project through the BALMAS GIS...
  • msp-data LBA - SHYFEM 2016 - N-P total / Plume / Organic matter

    Land Based Activities - SHYFEM simulation for N-P total / Plume / Organic matter