11 datasets found

Domain area: Emilia Romagna marine area Resource type: OtherAddInfo

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  • msp-data GNS - Reti a imbrocco - 2015

    Case Study North Adriatic (Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli V.G.) Set gillnets (GNS) "Reti a imbrocco" (operations) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data OTB - Strascico - 2015

    Case Study North Adriatic (Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli V.G.) Bottom otter trawl (OTB) "Strascico" (swept km) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data TBB - Rapidi - 2015

    Case Study North Adriatic (Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli V.G.) Beam trawl (TBB) "Rapidi" (swept km) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data PS - Circuizione - 2015

    Case Study North Adriatic (Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli V.G.) Purse seine (PS) "Circuizione" (operations) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data DRB - Draghe idrauliche - 2015

    Case Study North Adriatic (Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Friuli V.G.) Boat dredge (DRB) "Draghe idrauliche" (swept km) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data Small scale fisheries - Northern Adriatic (IT)

    Small scale fisheries (interviews) total operations 2017. Includes "tremagli", "nasse" and "cestini per lumachine".
  • msp-data Mussel farming vessels - 2015

    Mussel farming vessels: vessels supporting the shellfish activity (operations) from AIS 2015.
  • msp-data Aquaculture (Emilia-Romagna - 2014)

    State maritime areas for mussels and clams farms. The coordinates of the farms have been provided by the Development Service of the Fish Economy and of the animal production...
  • msp-data Opere difesa 2014 Regione Emilia Romagna

    Mapping of defense works on the basis of AGEA Flight 2014. The images used are orthorectified on the basis of CTR 1: 5000.
  • msp-data Military permanent

    Military permanent training areas (land to sea and sea to land) according to the 2013 prefaction of the notice to Mariners (PREMESSA AGLI AVVISI AI NAVIGANTI 2013 - Istituto...
  • msp-data Underwater pipelines

    Submarine pipelines for the transportation of hydrocarbons in the Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Veneto marine area