msp-data Marine protected areas Emilia-Romagna (IT)
Marine protected areas in Emilia-Romagna and biologic protection zone; they represent sites aimed at maintaining biodiversity and increasing fish resources, through the... -
msp-data Anchorage areas
Anchorage areas. The vectors data have been edited by Istituto Idrografico della Marina - Italy (Electronic Navigational Charts). Shape Projact Adriatic Atlas administrators... -
msp-data SAFETY ZONE - around pipelines
Safety zone for submarine pipelines for the transportation of hydrocarbons in the Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Veneto marine area -
msp-data Safety zones around platforms
Safety zone radius 200m and 500 m around offshore infrastructures for the exploitation of the natural resources stored in the seabed. In general anchoring, fishing, transit and...