
Montenegro - ortho photo image (2019)

Montenegrin ortophoto with functionalities such as measurement of heights, width, distance between objects, importing data from other sources. High resolution (20 cm), published in 2019.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Partner PP7
Topic category Coastal land uses/activities
Sub category Land use
Resource language English
Domain area Montenegro terrestrial area,Montenegrin Adriatic Sea
Owner Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro
Provider Government of Montenegro_ Directorate for Space Planning _MORT
Data portal MORT Montenegro Geoportal
Presentation form Image
Spatial representation Raster (grid)
Coordinate reference system
    epscg: 32634 - WGS 84 / UTM zone 34 N
    Web services
      Temporal extent
      Data accessibility The ovner of this layers is Ministry of Sustainable and Tourism of Montenegro, and contact person is Mrs Marina Izgarevic ( Geoportal is available on this link:
      Validation level Official data
      Additional information
      Relevance for testing
        Relevance for modules
          Metadata completeness Draft
          Notes Obliquo multiview application [user:sarretta The WMS requires username and password. The Geospatial dataset resource is not a GeoJSON, it point to a web interface that's not working.]
          Import preferences Ignore