msp-data Seismic Vulnerability Montenegrin Coastal Area
Data with defined categories of Seismic Vulnerability, which is present in different zones from 0, being the least vulnerable to 5, being the most vulnerable. This data present... -
msp-data Bathymetry of the Montenegrin coastal area
Bathymetry of the coast of the Montenegrin part of the Adriatic Sea shown in six bathymetric zones: from 0 to 20 m, from 20 to 50 m, from 50 to 100 m, from 200 to 500 m, from... -
msp-data Bojana river estuary Montenegrin coast _CAMP Montenegro
The file contains polygon presentation of the estuary of the River Bojana and double glazed sleeves (the island of St. Joseph) that opens to the sea. -
msp-data Variation of the seabed in accumulation in Veneto Region
Variation of the seabed in accumulation from Regional Territorial Coordination Plan 1992 -
msp-data Morphology Ionian Italian Coast
Morphology of the coast for the Ionian Italian regions -
msp-data Corine Land Cover beaches Calabria
Strato informativo della Carta Uso del Territorio "Zone aperte con vegetazione rada o assente", riguardante i seguenti tematismi:Spiagge, dune e sabbie;Rocce nude, falesie,... -
msp-data Corine Land Cover: Corpi Idrici Calabria
Strato informativo della Carta Uso del Territorio "Acque marittime", riguardante i seguenti tematismi:Lagune, laghi e stagni costieri; Estuari e delta