82 datasets found

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  • msp-data Vincolo archeologici Calabria

    vincolo archeologici calabria
  • msp-data Corine Land Cover beaches Calabria

    Strato informativo della Carta Uso del Territorio "Zone aperte con vegetazione rada o assente", riguardante i seguenti tematismi:Spiagge, dune e sabbie;Rocce nude, falesie,...
  • msp-data Corine Land Cover: Corpi Idrici Calabria

    Strato informativo della Carta Uso del Territorio "Acque marittime", riguardante i seguenti tematismi:Lagune, laghi e stagni costieri; Estuari e delta
  • msp-data Zone umide Calabria

    Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo paesaggistico: Zone Umide
  • msp-data SIC Calabria

    Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Rete Natura 2000 - Siti d'Interesse Comunitario(SIC)
  • msp-data Parchi Regionali Calabria

    Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Aree Protette - Parchi Regionali
  • msp-data Oasi e Riserve Calabria

    Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Aree Protette - Oasi e Riserve
  • msp-data SIN Calabria

    Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Rete Natura 2000 - Siti d'Interesse Nazionale(SIN)
  • msp-data Parchi Nazionali Calabria

    Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Aree Protette - Parchi Nazionali
  • msp-data ZPS Calabria

    Regione Calabria: Natura 2000 - Special Protected Zones (ZPS)
  • msp-data SIR Calabria

    Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Rete Natura 2000 - Siti d'Interesse Regionale(SIR)
  • msp-data Tursiop sighting Emilia-Romagna Region

    Sites where dolphins have been detected during the monitoring survey of 2018. Emilia-Romagna region, through the operative section Arpae-Daphne, has carried out three...
  • msp-data Pipelines Italy (schematic)

    The data comes from the website of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, its contain only the schematic routes between marine platforms and marine platforms and storage...
  • msp-data Safety zones around platforms

    Safety zone radius 200m and 500 m around offshore infrastructures for the exploitation of the natural resources stored in the seabed. In general anchoring, fishing, transit and...
  • msp-data Pipelines

    The exploitation of hydrocarbon resources stored in the sea subsoil requires the laying of cables and pipelines, as well as platforms, for the extraction and transport of energy...
  • msp-data Maritime Transport Europe

    For Europe, maritime transport has been a catalyst for economic development and prosperity throughout its history. Maritime Transport enables trade and contacts between all...
  • msp-data Storage and treatment terminals on land - Italy

    Sites of natural gas and crude oil collection and treatment plants located in the Italian national territory and temporary storage floating units in the Italian offshore.
  • msp-data Ferry route

    Major ferry route according to travel agencies (no GPS data) and Opens Street Data (GPS data); Combination of OpenStreetMap data for Adriatic sea that are georeferenced using...
  • msp-data O&G extraction concession areas - Italy

    Concession area for the estraction of oil and gas in the Italian terrestrial area and continental shelf. Exclusive mineral titles, requested on a section of the research permit...
  • msp-data O&G extraction platforms - Italy

    List of marine structures installed in the Italian offshore. The list includes platforms (operative/ non operative) with emerged structure, subsea well solutions and temporary...