Activity Stream
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Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset REGULATION: Regulated Areas (HR) - Driftnets over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset REGULATION: Regulated Areas (HR) - Drifting longlines for tuna over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset REGULATION: Regulated Areas (HR) - Drifting longlines over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset REGULATION: Regulated Areas (HR) - Pelagic trawls over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset REGULATION: Regulated Areas (HR) - Special restriction over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset REGULATION: Regulated Areas (HR) over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset REGULATION: Regulated Areas (IT) over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Trachurus trachurus over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Squilla mantis over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Sepia officinalis over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Sardina pilchardus over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Pagellus erythrinus over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Nephrops norvegicus over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Mullus barbatus over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Merluccius merluccius over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Loligo vulgaris over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Illex coindetii over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Merlangius merlangus over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Engraulis encrasicolus over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Maximum Distribution GSA17: Eledone moscata over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset BOUNDARIES: Fishing Sectors over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset PROTECTION & RESTOCKING: Seagrass meadows over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset ADRIATIC SEA: Biocenosis over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset AQUACULTURE: Water Classification for Musselculture over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Aerial photo library of Veneto Region over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Registered fishing vessels, by lenght, Slovenia, annually over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Goods for port by direction, by type of cargo and goods (NST 2007) over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani deleted the dataset Passengers for each port by direction over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Areas of valid spatial plan of national importance (section) over 5 years ago
Paolo Luciani changed the extra "import_preferences" of the dataset Terrestrial Administrative Boundaries over 5 years ago
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