msp-data Aquaculture (Friuli Venezia Giulia - 2014)
Marine areas relating to the bivalve molluscs breeding aquaculture (mainly Mithylus galloprovincialis), extracted from SHAPE Project. -
msp-data Bathing waters
Data set contains data on bathing waters monitoring network in Adriatic area. The EU Bathing Waters Directive requires Member States to monitor bathing places for indicators of... -
msp-data Mussel farming vessels - 2015
Mussel farming vessels: vessels supporting the shellfish activity (operations) from AIS 2015. -
msp-data Aquaculture (Emilia-Romagna - 2014)
State maritime areas for mussels and clams farms. The coordinates of the farms have been provided by the Development Service of the Fish Economy and of the animal production... -
msp-data Submarine Telecommunication Cables
The dataset on submarine telecom cables was created by Cogea in 2014 for the European Marine Observation and Data Network. The underlying data is property of Telegeography and... -
msp-data Military permanent
Military permanent training areas (land to sea and sea to land) according to the 2013 prefaction of the notice to Mariners (PREMESSA AGLI AVVISI AI NAVIGANTI 2013 - Istituto... -
msp-data Main Ports Statistics 2015-2016 -Emodnet
The geodatabase on maritime transport in EU main ports includes goods, passengers and vessels traffic in the EU and was created in 2014 by Eurofish and Cogea for the European... -
msp-data Underwater pipelines
Submarine pipelines for the transportation of hydrocarbons in the Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Veneto marine area