msp-data Monitoring of bathing water quality on public beaches in Montenegro
Public enterprise for coastal zone management in Montenegro, as an authority in charge of bathing water management in Montenegrin coast, realizes specific monitoring programs of... -
msp-data Montenegro territorial waters
Territorial waters as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea is a belt 12 nautical miles from baseline of a coastal country. Data set contains... -
msp-data Hydrocarbon exploration in Montenegro
Decision on Defining Blocks for Award of Concession Contract for Production of Hydrocarbons in Offshore Montenegro; Official Gazette of Montenegro 42/12. -
msp-data Protected Areas in Montenegro (EMERALD)
Protected areas in the coastal part of Montenegro - EMERALD. -
msp-data Pollution / vulnerability of Montenegrin coastal area - CAMP Montenegro
Pollution / vulnerability data of Montenegrin coastal area. Data collected through CAMP project in Montenegro -
msp-data Montenegro - ortho photo image (2019)
Montenegrin ortophoto with functionalities such as measurement of heights, width, distance between objects, importing data from other sources. High resolution (20 cm),...