
Marine protected areas Emilia-Romagna (IT)

Marine protected areas in Emilia-Romagna and biologic protection zone; they represent sites aimed at maintaining biodiversity and increasing fish resources, through the positioning of barriers, such as Tecnoreef, above the seabed.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Partner LP
Topic category Nature and species conservation sites & protected areas
Sub category Sub-national protected areas (marine and coastal)
Resource language English
Domain area Emilia-Romagna marine area
Owner Emilia-Romagna region
Provider Emilia-Romagna region
Data portal SHAPE Atlas,Adriplan data Portal
Presentation form Map (map represented in raster or vector form)
Spatial representation Vector - polygon
Coordinate reference system epsg:4326 - WGS84 (degree)
Web services
    Temporal extent
    Data accessibility downloadable
    Validation level Official data
    Additional information
    Relevance for testing
      Relevance for modules
      • T1.10-Oil Spill
      • T1.12-MSF
      Metadata completeness Complete
      Import preferences Confirmed (Administrators only)