
Coastal municipalities of Montenegro - cadastral areas

Data contains cadastral boundaries of the coastal municipalities of Montenegro.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Partner PP7
Topic category Terrestrial boundaries
Sub category Local
Resource language English
Domain area Montenegro terrestrial area
Owner Real Estate administration of Montenegro
Provider Real Estate administration of Montenegro
Data portal
Presentation form Map (map represented in raster or vector form)
Spatial representation Vector - mixed types
Coordinate reference system epsg:4326 - WGS84 (degree)
epscg: 32634 - WGS 84 / UTM zone 34 N
Web services
    Temporal extent 2014-11-20
    Data accessibility This database is available on link , and the owner of this database is Real Estate Montenegro (Uprava za nekretnine Crne Gore). Data can be obtained at the request of the Montenegrin Real Estate Administration Contact person is Mrs Mirjana Ljumovic, e-mail:
    Validation level Official data
    Additional information
    Relevance for testing
      Relevance for modules
        Metadata completeness Complete
        Notes [user:sarretta All resources attached to the dataset should be separated in different datasets because they are related to different things. The resources must be compressed into zip files, not rar. There's no information about possibility to download and reuse the data: who is allowed. Is there a licence?]
        Import preferences Confirmed (Administrators only)